
Therapeutic Massage

Therapeutic Massage focuses on achieving results versus just relaxing. Using a combination of techniques, the purpose of this massage is to achieve a structural change or therapeutic benefit in the body. This treatment is intended to mobilize your soft tissue (muscles, tendons, fascia, etc) to restore normal functional use. You should expect to feel great long after your therapeutic massage session ends.

Prenatal Massage

Research shows prenatal massage can help reduce anxiety and symptoms of depression. It can also relieve muscle aches, joint pain, reduce swelling, and improve labor outcomes and newborn health.

Swedish massage is the recommended massage method during pregnancy. It aims to relax muscle tension and improve lymphatic and blood circulation.

Some benefits of prenatal massage:

  • Reduces back and joint pain

  • Improves circulation

  • Reduces edema (swelling)

  • Decreases muscle tension and headaches

  • Reduces stress and anxiety

  • Promotes better sleep

***Precautions for prenatal massage: As with any therapeutic approach to pregnancy wellness, women should discuss massage with their prenatal care provider prior to their appointment.

Teen Massage

Massage therapy is a safe and natural stress relief for teens! The healing power of touch is often underestimated.

Our bodies respond to the physical touch of massage which promotes the reduction of stress hormones; mostly cortisol, and a release of feel-good hormones, including serotonin which boosts our body's ability to fight off pain, anxiety, and feelings of sadness.

Stress is a part of life we all experience, but our kids, especially our teens, are stressed out more than ever.

The wonderful news is that we can help our teens holistically and safely let go of stress through massage therapy!